English Satyananda Yoga "Improve your karmas. Purify your karmas. Refine your karmas, refine your thoughts, refine your feelings, refine your emotions. Purify your mind, have good thoughts." Swami Satyananda Swami Satyananda Saraswati: His Chanting Swami Satyananda: Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra Events in India Please, go to www.biharyoga.net , www.rikhiapeeth.net and www.rikhiapeeth.in Our activities Our workshops are in Czech, more information at drnespor@gmail.com. For our yoga practices and kirtans in Englishs see www.youtube.com/drnespor |
Česky Jóga podle Satyanandy "Zlepšujte svoji karmu. Očistěte svoji karmu. Zušlechtěte karmu, zušlechtěte myšlenky, zušlechtěte pocity, zušlechtěte emoce. Očistěte mysl a pěstujte dobré myšlenky.“ Swami Satyananda Životopis Swamiho Satyanandy Bhadžan (duchovní zpěv) Swamiho Satyanandy Swami Satyananda: Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra Novinka Mantra pro nadzemskou moudrost i praktickou inteligenci 108× (audio) Akce v Indii Viz www.biharyoga.net , www.rikhiapeeth.net and www.rikhiapeeth.in |