Note: I have no Facebook ot Twitter account.

Dr. Nespor
E-mail: drnespor@gmail.com
Web:  www.drnespor.eu. It is my only web.

My videos www.youtube.com/drnespor

Coping with Addiction
Alcoholics Anonymous: http://www.aa.org
Alcoholics Anonymous Czech Republic: www.anonymnialkoholici.cz
Narcotics Anonymous: www.na.org
Marijuana Anonymous: www.marijuana-anonymous.org/
Gamblers Anonymous:www.gamblersanonymous.org/
Al-Anon and Al-Teen: www.al-anon.alateen.org/
Adult Children of Alcoholics Prague: http://acawsoec.com/czech-republic/
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism : www.niaaa.nih.gov/
National Institute on Drug Abuse: www.nida.nih.gov/

Yoga, Meditation, Relaxation
Satyananda Yoga
www.biharyoga.net The official site of Satyananda yoga.
www.yogamag.net Yoga Magazine archive.
Rihia: www.rikhiapeeth.net a www.rikhiapeeth.in.
Swami Sivananda (Guru of Swami Satyananda)
http://www.sivananda.org Many Sivananda's books can be downloaded from this site.

Buddhist Meditation
www.buddhanet.net Comprehensive web site with many free on-line publications.

Spring Forest Qigong:
ZY Qigong:

www.aath.org American Association of Therapeutic humor.
humormatters.com The web site of the President of the American Association of Therapeutic humor.
worldlaughtertour.com United States Laughter Clubs which are based on the work of Dr. Kataria of India.
How Laughter Works. An useful paper.
Laughter Online University: www.laughteronlineuniversity.com